If you have a watch with a scratched plexiglass face, don’t worry. With a few tools and a bit of patience, you can restore the glass to its original splendour. In this guide, I’ll explain step by step how to remove scratches from the plexiglass of your watch, whether it’s a robust Vostok Amphibia or a delicate Slava. By following these tips, your watch will look as good as new.
Step 1: Preparing the Glass
Before you start working, it’s important to consider the shape of the glass. If the glass protrudes from the case, you can proceed directly with sanding. However, if it is flush with the case, it’s advisable to protect the edges with masking tape. If the watch has a rotating bezel, remove it to make the job easier and avoid damage.
Step 2: Choosing the Sandpaper
To remove scratches from plexiglass, I use sandpaper with grits ranging from 400 to 1200 and beyond. Start with the coarsest grit to eliminate deeper scratches, then move to finer grits to refine the surface. For thicker glass, like that on Amphibias, you can apply more pressure, while for thinner glass, such as on Slava or Raketa watches, you need to proceed more gently to avoid damaging the glass.
Step 3: Sanding Technique
When sanding, alternate circular and perpendicular motions. I recommend sanding in a circular motion for at least 2-3 minutes for each grit. If the scratches are deep, you can increase the time to 5 minutes per grit. Remember not to apply too much pressure and to check your progress frequently to avoid removing too much material.
Step 4: Polishing the Glass
Once sanding is complete, it’s time to polish the glass. I prefer to use Iosso polishing paste, which gives excellent results. Apply the paste in circular motions, using moderate pressure until you achieve a shiny finish. Polishing is crucial to remove any sanding residues and to give the glass a smooth, glossy appearance.
Step 5: Final Cleaning
After polishing, it’s important to remove the paste and any residues. If you are working on a bare case, like on Komandirskie and Amphibia models, cleaning is quite simple. Just rinse the glass with a bit of water. If the watch is more complex, take precautions to protect the delicate parts, such as covering them with tape or a soft cloth.
By following these simple steps, you can remove scratches from the plexiglass of your watch and restore it to its original condition. Remember to be patient and proceed carefully, especially with thinner glass. If you want to use the products mentioned in this guide, you can find the purchase links on my website. Happy restoring!
In the vast world of Soviet watches, each model possesses its own “passport,” a fundamental document that accompanies the watch and provides technical details, usage instructions, and warranty information. However, there are different models of passports depending on the brand and model of the watch. In this article, we will analyze the various parts of the passports of some iconic models such as the Vostok Amphibia, Molnija, and Zaria, providing transcriptions and translations to facilitate understanding.
Each passport is composed of two sides, each of which is divided into 4 or 5 sections. We will proceed with a detailed analysis of each side, illustrating the main parts, providing Cyrillic transcriptions and corresponding English translations. At the end of the transcription and translation of both sides, I will provide a discursive explanation of the content and use of the passport. Additionally, some codes and technical details will be linked to other articles on my blog for further insights.
Vostok Amphibia – 2409A
Top Left Section
Чистопольский часовой завод
422950, ТССР г. Чистополь, ул. Энгельса, 127.
на гарантийный ремонт часов наручных механических
в течение гарантийного срока
The mechanical wristwatch «Vostok-Amphibia» meets the requirements of TU 25-07.1347-77 and is deemed suitable for use.
Technical Data and Instructions
Класс точности – 1.
Средний суточный ход часов при температуре (20±5)°С в пределах от минус 20 до плюс 40 с/сут.
Число функциональных камней – 17.
Продолжительность действия часов от одной полной заводки пружины не менее 40 час.
Максимальная глубина погружения часов в воду не более 200 м.
Средний полный срок службы часов – 10 лет.
Часы “Восток-Амфибия” с централизованной секундной стрелкой.
Часы в водопроницаемом корпусе из нержавеющей стали, подверженные магнитным полям напряженностью 480±60 А/м.
Перед эксплуатацией часов, внимательно прочтите инструкцию. Часы предназначены для эксплуатации в пресной и соленой воде, в общем и грязной воде.
Для завода часов, отвинтите заводную головку и немного вытяните ее в сторону направления стрелки.
Для перевода стрелок, вытяните заводную головку в сторону и поверните ее в направлении стрелок до необходимого времени. Поверните заводную головку в исходное положение и полностью заверните.
Для завода часов, поверните заводную головку в обратном направлении до упора. Сверните заводную головку до конца.
Обращайте внимание, что вокруг заводной головки всегда есть кольцо воды.
Accuracy class – 1.
The average daily variation of the watch at a temperature of (20±5)°C ranges from -20 to +40 sec/day.
Number of functional rubies – 17.
Duration of operation of the watch with one full wind of the spring is at least 40 hours.
Maximum diving depth of the watch is no more than 200 m.
Average total service life of the watch is 10 years.
“Vostok-Amphibia” watches with a centralized second hand.
Watches in a waterproof case made of stainless steel, resistant to magnetic fields with an intensity of 480±60 A/m.
Before using the watch, carefully read the instructions. The watch is designed for use in fresh and salt water, in general and dirty water.
To wind the watch, unscrew the crown and pull it slightly in the direction of the arrow.
To set the hands, pull the crown out and turn it in the direction of the hands until the desired time. Return the crown to its original position and tighten it completely.
To wind the watch, turn the crown in the opposite direction until it stops. Screw the crown completely.
Note that there is always a ring of water around the crown.
Top Right Section
Чистопольский часовой завод
422950, ТССР г. Чистополь, ул. Энгельса, 127.
на гарантийный ремонт часов наручных механических
в течение гарантийного срока
for warranty repair of mechanical wristwatches
during the warranty period
Sold by store (trade name) _________
Store stamp ________________ 19___year
Work performed to correct deficiencies:
(signature) ____________ (date) _______________
Owner _______________ (signature) _______________
Approved by:
Head of workshop ___________ (signature) ____________
Stamp (name of household appliance) _______________
Date _______________ 19___year (signature) ____________
Bottom Section
Шифр внешнего оформления
Номер участка (бригад)
Дата выпуска
Шифр внешнего оформления
Номер участка (бригад)
Номер часов
Дата выпуска
Покрытие корпуса
золота серебра – Содержание драгоценных метал., г.
Свободная розничная цена
Шифр внешнего оформления
Номер участка (бригад)
Дата выпуска
External finish code
Site number (brigade)
Release date
External finish code
Site number (brigade)
Watch number
Release date
Case coating
gold silver – Precious metal content, g.
Retail price
OKD code
External finish code
Site number (brigade)
Release date
Back of Passport – Block 1
Дает право на бесплатный гарантий-
ный ремонт часов в течение гарантий-
ного срока.
Виды работ поддержуки:
1. Разборка и промывка механизма с
заменой деталей и узлов
2. Разборка и промывка механизма без
замены деталей и узлов.
При отрыве талона мастерская ставит
на паспорте штамп и дату, что дает
право потребителю в случае некачествен-
но выполненных работ на повторное бес-
платное исправление часов в той же ма-
При отправке часов в гарантийную ма-
стерскую часового завода почтовой по-
сылкой потребитель должен кратко опи-
сать причину, по которой он направляет
часы, и приложить справку гарантийной
мастерской. Посылку следует отправлять
без “наложенного платежа”.
Владелец и его адрес
Entitles to free warranty
repair of watches during the warranty
Types of supported work:
1. Disassembly and washing of the mechanism with
replacement of parts and units
2. Disassembly and washing of the mechanism without
replacement of parts and units.
When detaching the coupon, the workshop places
a stamp and date on the passport, which gives
the consumer the right, in case of poorly
performed work, to a free correction of the watch in the same
When sending the watch to the warranty
workshop of the factory by mail, the consumer must briefly
describe the reason for sending the watch and attach the
warranty workshop certificate. The package should be sent
without “cash on delivery”.
Owner and address
Back of Passport – Block 2
—переведите стрелки вращением головки, после установки
стрелок головку заверните.
Для замера времени в пределах часа началу шкалы пово-
ротного ранта совместите с минутной стрелкой и отсчет веди-
те по шкале ранта.
Для сохранения свечения светосостава не подвергайте ци-
ферблат длительному воздействию солнечных лучей.
Для надежного функционирования часов соблюдайте сле-
дующие правила:
— оберегайте часы от падения, резких ударов, от воздействия
химических продуктов;
— не открывайте корпус часов во избежание попадания пыли
и грязи в механизм;
— при отвинчивания заводной головки убедитесь в отсутствии
капель воды вокруг неё;
— не отвинчивайте заводную головку часом, находящихся в
— перед погружением в воду убедитесь, что заводная головка
полностью завернута.
Часы рассчитаны на долговечный срок службы с периодиче-
ской чисткой, смазкой и регулировкой, не реже одного раза
в три года в послегарантийный период эксплуатации.
—Set the hands by turning the crown, after setting
the hands, tighten the crown.
To measure the time within an hour, align the start of the scale of the
rotating bezel with the minute hand and count according to the bezel scale.
To preserve the luminescence of the luminescent composition, do not expose the
dial to direct sunlight for a long time.
For reliable operation of the watch, follow these
— protect the watch from drops, sharp impacts, and exposure to
chemical products;
— do not open the case of the watch to avoid getting dust and
dirt into the mechanism;
— when unscrewing the crown, make sure there are no
water drops around it;
— do not unscrew the crown while the watch is in
— before immersing in water, make sure the crown
is fully tightened.
The watch is designed for a long service life with periodic
cleaning, lubrication, and adjustment, at least once
every three years during the post-warranty period of use.
Back of Passport – Block 3
Гарантийный срок эксплуатации часов — 1 год со дня про-
дажи через розничную торговую сеть.
Гарантия не распространяется на часы:
без паспорта;
с истекшим сроком гарантии;
с нарушением правил эксплуатации, указанных в настоя-
щем паспорте.
Адрес гарантийной мастерской завода: 422950, ТССР,
г. Чистополь, ул. Энгельса, 127, часовой завод.
Не качественные часы обмениваются в магазине согласно
«Правилам обмена промышленных товаров».
The warranty period of the watch is 1 year from the date of
sale through the retail network.
The warranty does not apply to watches:
without a passport;
with an expired warranty period;
with violations of the operating rules indicated in the
Address of the factory warranty workshop: 422950, TSSR,
Chistopol, Engels Street, 127, watch factory.
Defective watches are exchanged in the store according to the
«Rules for the exchange of industrial goods».
Back of Passport – Block 4
Дает право на бесплатный гарантий-
ный ремонт часов при котором произво-
дятся работы без разборки механизма.
Владелец и его адрес:
Требуйте при изъятии талона заполнения корешка
Entitles to free warranty
repair of watches during which
work is carried out without disassembling the mechanism.
Owner and address:
Require the completion of the stub when removing the coupon
Front of the Passport
Basic Information and Warranty: The passport begins with basic information about the Chistopol watch factory, providing the complete address. The watch model, “Vostok-Amphibia” caliber 2409A, is specified, and the date of sale is indicated with the shop stamp and the owner’s signature.
Technical Data: The technical characteristics of the watch are listed, including the accuracy class, the average daily variation, the number of functional rubies, and the duration of operation with a full wind. Additionally, the maximum diving depth and the total service life of the watch are indicated.
Usage Instructions: The instructions explain how to properly use the watch, including how to wind it, set the hands, and ensure the crown is securely screwed before immersion in water. The importance of avoiding prolonged exposure to direct sunlight to preserve the dial’s luminosity is emphasized.
Bottom Section: The bottom section of the passport contains various codes and numbers related to the external finish, site number, release date, watch number, case coating, precious metal content, retail price, and item number.
Back of the Passport
Warranty Obligations: The back of the passport begins with a section dedicated to warranty obligations. It specifies that during the warranty period, the watch is repaired free of charge by presenting the manufacturer’s workshop certificate, the commercial organization’s stamp, the date of sale, and the owner’s signature. However, the warranty does not cover the glass, strap, bracelet, case (metal), and mechanisms damaged by shocks or other defects caused by the consumer.
Warranty Conditions: It is reiterated that the warranty period is 1 year from the date of sale through the retail network. The warranty does not apply to watches without a passport, with an expired warranty period, or with violations of the usage rules indicated in the passport. The address of the manufacturer’s warranty workshop is provided for any repairs.
Repair Guidelines: The document continues with repair guidelines, specifying that the free repair covers work without disassembling the mechanism. The owner is asked to properly fill out the stub when removed and to ensure no water droplets around the crown when unscrewed.
Final Notes: Finally, the passport concludes with a reminder to require the completion of the stub when removed and the owner’s signature.
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