Ostwok: The Story and Mystery of Russian Watches Marketed as Swiss

Ostwok: The Story and Mystery of Russian Watches Marketed as Swiss

Introduction to Ostwok

The Ostwok brand represents a fascinating chapter in horological history, blending the reliability of Soviet military watches with Swiss prestige and precision. Founded in 1993, Ostwok SA was based in Fehraltorf, Switzerland, and specialized in importing and distributing Russian Vostok watches under a brand that suggested Swiss origin. This article explores the company’s history, the details of its products, and the mysterious 1994 contest, providing a comprehensive overview of this intriguing phenomenon.

The Foundation of Ostwok SA

Ostwok SA was founded in 1993 in Fehraltorf, Switzerland, at Wingertstrasse 50, 8308 Illnau, Illnau-Effretikon, Switzerland. The company imported Vostok watches from the Soviet Union, known for their robustness and reliability, and distributed them in Europe under the Ostwok brand. With a share capital of 800,000 CHF distributed in 800 nominal shares of 1,000 CHF each, the company operated until 2002, when it was liquidated (kompany – global company intelligence)​​ (kompany – global company intelligence)​.

Updated Values in Euros:

  • 800,000 CHF in 1993: Assuming an average exchange rate of 1.50 CHF per euro and an annual inflation rate of 2%, this amount would be approximately 800,000 CHF x 0.66 = 528,000 EUR today.
  • 1,000 CHF per share in 1993: Similarly, each share would be worth approximately 1,000 CHF x 0.66 = 660 EUR today.

Operational Address of Ostwok

From the attached image, it is seen that the operational address on the watch box was Ostwok SA, Postfach 200, Allmendstr. 30, CH-8320 Fehraltorf, Switzerland.

Primo piano di una scatola nera con l'indirizzo della società OSTWOK SA. Proprietà di Sovietaly.
Primo piano di una scatola nera con l’indirizzo della società OSTWOK SA. Immagine di proprietà di Sovietaly.

The Ostwok Brand

Ostwok is an anagram of Wostok, the German name for Vostok, chosen to facilitate correct pronunciation in German-speaking countries. The Ostwok logo, which replaced Vostok’s Cyrillic “B” with a “W”, was a distinctive feature and often included graphic symbols such as stars or military emblems. This branding aimed to create an image of Swiss watches, leveraging Switzerland’s reputation in watchmaking (WatchUSeek Watch Forums)​​ (SOVIETALY™)​.

Ostwok Watches

The watches sold under the Ostwok brand were actually Vostok Komandirskie and Amphibia models, known for their robustness and durability. These watches, originally produced for the Red Army, featured mechanical movements and often had cases finished in titanium nitride. They were sold with a kit that included a cardboard box and a leaflet with instructions and warranty (TrademarkRegistrationOnline)​​ (SOVIETALY™).

russian swiss watch Ostwok Vostok Komandirskie Generals-Uhr
Ostwok Generals-Uhr
Vostok Ostwok Komandirskie Paratrooper
Ostwok Paratrooper
swiss russian ostwok watch gagarin
Ostwok Kosmonauten-Uhr

Registration in Canada

Ostwok SA registered several trademarks in Canada starting in 1994, including trademarks for horological and chronometric instruments and related accessories. However, the registration procedures were interrupted, and the trademarks were abandoned by 1998. This registration was part of a strategy to expand the brand’s international presence and protect it in global markets (TrademarkRegistrationOnline)​​ (WatchUSeek Watch Forums).

The 1994 Contest

In 1994, Ostwok SA launched a contest to promote its watches. The contest offered significant prizes, including sums of money (SFr. 10,000 for the first prize and SFr. 5,000 for the second prize) and Ostwok watches. Participants had to correctly answer three questions regarding Ostwok SA’s headquarters, whether the watches required batteries, and the presence of a quality certificate. The deadline for submissions was 31 May 1994, and the winners were to be selected under notarial supervision. No further specific information about the contest’s outcome or winners has been found (SOVIETALY™)​​ (SOVIETALY™)​​ (WatchUSeek Watch Forums).

Pubblicità in tedesco di orologi militari russi Ostwok con immagini di diversi modelli. Proprietà di Mchap.
Pubblicità in tedesco che promuove orologi militari russi Ostwok con diversi modelli visibili. Immagine di proprietà di Mchap.

Translation of the Advertisement:

Jetzt schlägt’s OSTWOK

OSTWOK, die russische Original-Militäruhr

Jetzt sind sie da! Die einzig echten Original-Kommandirskie-Militäruhren aus der ehemaligen Sowjetunion. Diese weitgehendst handgefertigten, mechanischen und robusten Spezialuhren sind bereits im härtesten Testmarkt Schweiz der absolute Renner. Nun ist die erste Kollektion, die eigens für die ehemalige sowjetische Armee-Elite kreiert wurde, auch in Deutschland eingetroffen. Weitere Serien werden folgen!

Die schweizerische Handelsfirma OSTWOK SA hat den alleinigen weltweiten Vertrieb exklusiv in Händen und bietet sie im Direktverkauf unter der Marke OSTWOK mit Lederarmband, Qualitätszertifikat vom Werk und 1 Jahr Garantie an. Sichern Sie sich dieses batteriefreie, wasserdichte und stoßfeste Liebhaberstück. Es besteht ein Ansichts- bzw. Rückgaberecht innerhalb 5 Tagen. Die Uhren bleiben bis zur vollständigen Bezahlung im Eigentum der Lieferfirma.

Verlangen Sie unseren Prospekt für weitere Kommandirskie-Uhren!

Bestell-Telefon: 0130 815 888 (gebührenfrei)
Bestell-Telefax: 004119 551 313


AnzahlArmband braunArmband schwarz
KGB (automatisch)DM 215.-[ ]DM 220.-[ ]
GeneralDM 195.-[ ]DM 200.-[ ]
AdmiralDM 195.-[ ]DM 200.-[ ]
MarinefliegerDM 195.-[ ]DM 200.-[ ]
KosmonautDM 89.-[ ]DM 94.-[ ]

Gewünschte Zahlungsart: [ ] Bar/Check
[ ] Rechnung
[ ] Nachnahme

Preise zuzüglich MwSt., Verpackungs- und Versandspesen

Datum, Unterschrift:

Bitte einsenden an: Ostwok SA, Postfach 200, CH-8320 Fehraltorf

Now it’s time for OSTWOK

OSTWOK, the original Russian military watch

Now they are here! The only genuine original Komandirskie military watches from the former Soviet Union. These predominantly handmade, mechanical, and robust special watches are already the absolute hit in the toughest Swiss test market. Now the first collection, specially created for the former Soviet army elite, has also arrived in Germany. More series will follow!

The Swiss trading company OSTWOK SA has exclusive worldwide distribution rights and offers them for direct sale under the OSTWOK brand with a leather strap, factory quality certificate, and a 1-year warranty. Secure these battery-free, waterproof, and shockproof collector’s items. There is a viewing and return right within 5 days. The watches remain the property of the supplier until full payment.

Request our brochure for more Komandirskie watches!

Order Telephone: 0130 815 888 (toll-free)
Order Fax: 004119 551 313

Reservation/Order Certificate

QuantityBrown StrapBlack Strap
KGB (automatic)DM 215.-[ ]DM 220.-[ ]
GeneralDM 195.-[ ]DM 200.-[ ]
AdmiralDM 195.-[ ]DM 200.-[ ]
Naval PilotDM 195.-[ ]DM 200.-[ ]
CosmonautDM 89.-[ ]DM 94.-[ ]

Preferred Payment Method: [ ] Cash/Check
[ ] Invoice
[ ] COD

Prices plus VAT, packaging, and shipping costs

Telephone Number:
Date of Birth:
Date, Signature:

Please send to: Ostwok SA, Postfach 200, CH-8320 Fehraltorf

Contract with Switzerland

A period newspaper article describes the contract between a Swiss company, BN, and the Vostok watch factory. This contract involved the supply of 1.5 million “Commandant” watches and exclusive distribution in the West. Vostok’s administrative director, Vladimir Irnjiev, confirmed the details without revealing specific information about the Swiss partner or the contract amount (WatchUSeek Watch Forums)​.

Articolo di giornale in francese intitolato "Contrat avec la Suisse" che parla dell'accordo tra la fabbrica di orologi russa Ostwok e una società svizzera per la fornitura di orologi Commandant (Komandirskie)
Articolo di giornale francese che annuncia il contratto tra la fabbrica di orologi russa Ostwok e una società svizzera per la fornitura di 1,5 milioni di orologi Commandant. Immagine di proprietà di Mchap.

Text of the Article:

Massive, inelegant, but reliable, the Russian “Commandant” watch was once reserved for Red Army officers. For three years, it has made its appearance in the West, with some success. So much so that a Swiss company, BN, has just signed a contract with the “Vostok” watch factory, which will supply 1.5 million “Commandant” watches in the coming years.

The Swiss firm has also acquired exclusive sales rights in the West. Available on the Russian market for about 5000 rubles (about 45 francs), these massive watches are now distributed internationally.

Contacted in Chistopol, in the Tatarstan region (central Russia), the administrative director of “Vostok”, Vladimir Irnjiev, remains very evasive.

He confirms the data published by the Russian agency Interfax but says nothing more, neither about the Swiss partner nor about the amount of the contract, “a commercial secret”.

As for the BN company, it is unknown to the Swiss Watch Federation, which keeps a register of all Swiss companies that produce and market watches.

With an annual production of about 70 million watches, Russia is one of the “giants” of watchmaking, along with Japan, Hong Kong, and Switzerland.

Updated Values in Euros:

  • 45 Swiss francs in 1994: With the same exchange rate and inflation, this amount would be about 45 CHF x 0,66 = 29,7 EUR today.

Additional Resources and Links


With this information, we can better understand the history and uniqueness of Ostwok watches, an intriguing blend of Soviet reliability and European style. Ostwok represents a fascinating example of how watchmaking can unite different cultural and technical traditions, creating unique and sought-after products for collectors.

Complete Guide to Abbreviations of Days of the Week and Months on Soviet Watches

Vintage Soviet wristwatch showing days of the week and months in Cyrillic, surrounded by modern watches with date displays in multiple languages.

Watch enthusiasts often encounter abbreviations in Cyrillic for days of the week and months on Russian and Soviet watches. This guide provides a clear outline of the correspondence of these abbreviations in Cyrillic, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, and Arabic. Additionally, we will explore the calendar used in the Soviet Union and some historical curiosities. Finally, we will explain why French days of the week are sometimes used on Japanese watches.

russian watch Raketa Perpetual Calendar
Raketa Perpetual Calendar

Days of the Week

Here is a table showing the correspondence of the abbreviations for the days of the week:

Japanese月 (Getsu)火 (Ka)水 (Sui)木 (Moku)金 (Kin)土 (Do)日 (Nichi)
Chinese一 (Yī)二 (Èr)三 (Sān)四 (Sì)五 (Wǔ)六 (Liù)日 (Rì)
Arabicاث (ITH)ثل (THL)أر (AR)خم (KHM)جم (JM)سب (SB)أحد (AHD)
Correspondence of the abbreviations for the days of the week in Cyrillic, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, and Arabic.

Months of the Year

Here is a table showing the correspondence of the abbreviations for the months of the year:

Japanese1月 (Ichigatsu)2月 (Nigatsu)3月 (Sangatsu)4月 (Shigatsu)5月 (Gogatsu)6月 (Rokugatsu)7月 (Shichigatsu)8月 (Hachigatsu)9月 (Kugatsu)10月 (Jūgatsu)11月 (Jūichigatsu)12月 (Jūnigatsu)
Chinese一月 (Yīyuè)二月 (Èryuè)三月 (Sānyuè)四月 (Sìyuè)五月 (Wǔyuè)六月 (Liùyuè)七月 (Qīyuè)八月 (Bāyuè)九月 (Jiǔyuè)十月 (Shíyuè)十一月 (Shíyīyuè)十二月 (Shí’èryuè)
Arabicينا (YNA)فبر (FBR)مار (MAR)أبر (ABR)ماي (MAY)ينو (YNU)يول (YUL)أغس (AGS)سبم (SPM)أكت (AKT)نوڤ (NOV)ديس (DIS)
Correspondence of the abbreviations for the months of the year in Cyrillic, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, and Arabic.
russian watch Raketa Perpetual Calendar
Raketa Perpetual Calendar

The Soviet Union Calendar

The calendar used in the Soviet Union after the October Revolution underwent several changes. Initially, Russia used the Julian calendar, which differed from the Gregorian calendar adopted by most of the Western world. After the October Revolution of 1917, the Soviet government decided to adopt the Gregorian calendar in 1918 to better align with the rest of the world.

The October Revolution

An interesting point is that the October Revolution did not actually occur in October according to the Gregorian calendar. The revolution began on October 25, 1917, according to the Julian calendar, but this date corresponds to November 7, 1917, in the Gregorian calendar. Therefore, despite being called the “October Revolution,” the event actually took place in November according to the current calendar.

Abbreviations on Soviet Watches for Internal Market

On some Soviet watches intended for the internal market with Cyrillic inscriptions, the day of the week was abbreviated to two letters and preceded by a number. This system used the number of the day in the week followed by the first two letters of the day in uppercase. For example, Sunday was “7 ВС”. This method helped distinguish the days of the week, particularly in regions where the Cyrillic script was not commonly used, making it easier for people to identify the days.

Slava Monster

Here is the table illustrating this system:

Monday1 ПН
Tuesday2 ВТ
Wednesday3 СР
Thursday4 ЧТ
Friday5 ПТ
Saturday6 СБ
Sunday7 ВС
Abbreviations of the days of the week on Soviet watches for the internal market, using numbers followed by the first two letters in Cyrillic.

Days of the Week in Japanese

A curious aspect is that in Japan, the days of the week are sometimes indicated with the initials of the days in French on watches. This stems from a cultural and linguistic influence that saw the introduction of the French language into various Japanese sectors during the Meiji period, when Japan was modernising and seeking to emulate various aspects of Western cultures.


Understanding the abbreviations for the days of the week and the months on watches in different languages is essential for proper use and to avoid confusion. We hope this guide helps you better understand these correspondences and explore a bit of the history of Soviet calendars.

The CARDI Vostok Watch Brand: A Collaboration Between Design and Russian Mechanics

cardi vostok russian watch


The CARDI Vostok watch brand represents a unique collaboration between Western design and Russian mechanical precision. Founded in the early 1990s, this brand distinguished itself with unique designs and the use of high-quality movements produced by the renowned Vostok watch factory.

Origins and History

The history of CARDI Vostok begins in 1991, shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The name “Cardi” is derived from the abbreviation of “Car Design Studio,” a Russian company specializing in automobile customization. In an attempt to diversify its activities, Cardi began collaborating with the Vostok watch factory to produce watches with a more “Western” aesthetic​ (WatchUSeek Watch Forums)​​ (WatchUSeek Watch Forums)​.

The early models of CARDI Vostok were known for their innovative design and the use of materials such as brass and cheap alloys, mainly produced by the Minsk Watch Factory. These watches were considered high quality, but over time the quality of the materials declined, leading the brand to lose popularity and cease production around 2009​ (Sovietaly)​.

Design and Movements

cardi vostok russian watch
Cardi Vostok Racingtime GP

CARDI Vostok models combine Cardi’s creative design with Vostok’s robust mechanical movements. The designs were often inspired by the automotive world, with names like “Capitan,” “MVM Sport,” “GP,” “Racing Time,” and “Radar”​ (WatchUSeek Watch Forums)​.

The watches used high-quality mechanical movements, such as the 2409 caliber produced by the Vostok factory. Some later models used movements from the 1st Moscow Watch Factory (Poljot) and the Slava factory, in addition to the original Vostok movements. However, after being acquired by Interex-Orion in 2000, the brand began using Chinese movements to reduce costs, further impacting the overall quality of the watches​ (WatchCrunch)​​ (WatchUSeek Watch Forums)​.

cardi vostok russian watch
Cardi Vostok Racingtime GP

Decline and End of Production

Despite initial success, various factors led to the brand’s decline. The quality of the materials used decreased over time, and the introduction of Chinese movements compromised the brand’s reputation for quality. These changes led to a drop in sales and, ultimately, the cessation of production around 2009. Today, Cardi has withdrawn from the watch market and refocused on automotive design​ (Sovietaly)​​ (WatchUSeek Watch Forums)​.


CARDI Vostok watches represent an interesting chapter in the history of Russian watchmaking, characterized by a mix of Western design and Russian mechanics. Although production has ceased, these watches remain collectible items for vintage watch enthusiasts and symbolize a period of transition and innovation.

For more information, you can consult the sources used in this article: WatchCrunch, WatchUSeek, Sovietaly, and SovietWatchStore.

Vostok Codes: A Complete Guide

Tabella identificativa dei codici degli orologi Vostok con modelli Amphibia e Komandirskie, diverse forme di casse e materiali, e elementi di sfondo dell'era sovietica e militare.

Vostok watches, produced in Russia, are icons of reliability and robustness in the watchmaking world. Known for their ability to withstand extreme conditions, these watches are cherished by both collectors and enthusiasts. Their history dates back to the Soviet era, during which they were developed to meet the needs of both the military and civilians. In this article, we will explore in detail the identification codes used to describe the movements and cases of Vostok watches. For convenience, the notation ABCDE/FGHIJKH is taken from the site: netgrafik.ch.

Understanding Vostok Watch Codes

Russian/Soviet movement and case codes follow a specific format: ABCDE/FGHIJKH.


  • AB: Movement diameter in mm.
  • CD, CDE: Soviet movement specification. For more details, refer to the table at the bottom of the page.


  • FGH: Case variation. Each combination of numbers represents a different case design or style.


  • I: Case material. Here are some examples from Vostok models:
    • 0: Stainless steel and other metals without plating.
    • 1: Chrome plated.
    • 2: Gold plated.
    • 3: Gilded (at least 5 microns).
    • 4: Colour coated.
    • 5: Synthetic, polymer, rubber.
    • 7: Titanium alloy.
    • 9: Glass, crystal, ceramics, marble.


  • JKH: Handset. Each combination represents a specific type of hands used on the watch.

Classification of Vostok Cases

The table below categorises the different cases used in Vostok watch models. The information is organised by case code (FGH), case material (I), watch model, and case shape.

Vostok Case Table

Case Code FGHMaterial IHandset Code JKHModelCase MaterialCase Shape
350XXXAmphibiaStainless steelTonneau
1190XXXAmphibiaStainless steelOctagonal
710XXXAmphibiaStainless steelOctagonal
470XXXAmphibiaStainless steelCarre
320XXXAmphibiaStainless steelTonneau
9370XXXAmphibiaStainless steelRound
960XXXAmphibiaStainless steelBig Lug
250XXXAmphibiaStainless steelMinistry
020XXXAmphibiaStainless steelRound
420XXXAmphibiaStainless steelRound
627XXXAmphibiaTitanium alloyTonneau
381XXXKomandirskieChrome platedRound
383XXXKomandirskieGold platedRound
781XXXKomandirskieChrome platedRound
783XXXKomandirskieGold platedRound
441XXXKomandirskieChrome platedCarre
443XXXKomandirskieGold platedCarre
791XXXKomandirskieChrome platedRound
793XXXKomandirskieGold platedRound
1391XXXKomandirskieChrome platedRound
1393XXXKomandirskieGold platedRound
291XXXKomandirskieChrome platedRound
293XXXKomandirskieGold platedRound
341XXXKomandirskieChrome platedCarre
331XXXKomandirskieChrome platedTonneau
091XXXGeneralskieChrome platedRound

Case Materials

Vostok watch cases are made from various materials, each with its own durability and aesthetic characteristics:

  • Stainless Steel (0): Offers exceptional resistance to corrosion and long durability. It is the predominant material for Amphibia models, known for their robustness.
  • Chrome Plated (1): Primarily used in Komandirskie models, providing a shiny finish and good corrosion resistance.
  • Gold Plated (3): Found in some Komandirskie models, giving a luxurious and refined appearance.
  • Titanium Alloy (7): Lightweight and highly resistant, used in models like the Amphibia for increased durability.
  • TiN (Titanium Nitride) (9): Known for its extreme hardness and scratch resistance, providing a distinctive golden finish.

Case Shapes

Vostok watch cases come in various shapes, each with a unique design to suit different tastes and aesthetic preferences:

  • Tonneau: An elegant, barrel-shaped design.
  • Octagonal: An eight-sided design often associated with robustness.
  • Carre: A square or rectangular shape offering a classic look.
  • Round: The most common and versatile shape, suitable for any style.

Main Models

  • Amphibia: Famous for their water resistance and robust construction, these watches feature cases in stainless steel or titanium alloy. Originally designed for the Soviet naval forces, they have become popular among divers and adventurers.
  • Komandirskie: Inspired by military style, these watches, though not officially used by the military, are available in chrome plated, gold plated, and TiN versions. They are known for their classic design and reliability.
  • Generalskie: These watches also feature a military-inspired style but lack evidence of official military use. They often include models with chrome plated cases.


Vostok watches perfectly combine history, engineering, and design. The diversity of cases, in terms of materials, models, and shapes, offers enthusiasts a wide range of choices. Whether you are a collector or simply a watch lover, Vostok models with their unique characteristics and reliability make an excellent choice. Their history and continuous evolution make them a fascinating topic for anyone interested in horology.

Vremia Watches: Soviet Charm and European Quality

swiss watch Vremia Chrono black

Vremia watches, also known as Vremja (in Cyrillic время), are a fascinating example of how international collaboration can create unique and high-quality products. These watches were created in the late 1980s, thanks to the Italian company Binda, with the aim of capitalising on the growing popularity of Soviet culture in the West.

swiss watch Vremia CCCP
Vremia CCCP

The Birth of the Vremia Brand

The BPEMR (BPEMA) CCCP brand was officially registered on 24 March 1989, during a period of commercial opening in the USSR under Gorbachev’s leadership. This opening allowed for the export of various Soviet products to Western markets, where they were enthusiastically received thanks to their exotic charm and robust quality.

russian watch Vremia B&W
Vremia B&W

Features of Vremia Watches

Vremia watches are distinguished by a range of models with reliable mechanical movements such as the Slava 2414, Poljot 2612.1, and Poljot 3133. Their dials, essential and clean, embody the Soviet style of the era. Some models feature distinctive symbols like the Red Star, while others are more subtle, with a small “cccp” inscription in the centre of the dial.

swiss watch Vremia Gold
Vremia Gold

Binda: The Italian Heart of Vremia Watches

Founded in 1906 by Innocente Binda, the Binda company has played a crucial role in the watch sector for over a century. Under the leadership of his grandsons, Simone and Marcello Binda, the company continues to produce and distribute high-quality watches. Binda Italia is known for its ability to combine innovative design and advanced technologies, offering a variety of products ranging from fashion models to more classic and technical watches, including “Swiss Made” timepieces.

swiss russian watch Vremia Pocket
Vremia Pocket watch

The Uniqueness of Vremia Watches

Vremia watches represent a perfect fusion of Russian tradition and Western craftsmanship. The “zerone rosso” model is an emblematic example of this mix, with a design that could easily have been produced by Poljot. Even the time-only and alarm clock models are highly appreciated for their quality and design.

These watches are a true hybrid: Italian construction with Russian mechanics. While they are adapted to the Italian market, they retain a unique charm that distinguishes them from traditional Russian watches. Despite the criticisms of purists, Vremia watches offer exceptional value, with accessible prices ranging from 100 to 150 euros.

swiss russian watch vremia
Vremia Red Zero

Unique Details on the Case Back

A distinctive detail of Vremia watches is the inscription on the case back, which reads:

“Часы собранные в Швейцарии, двигатель механический подлинный русского производства. Mechanical movement originally produced in Russia, watch assembled in Switzerland.”

This inscription highlights the combination of Russian mechanics and Swiss assembly, ensuring the authenticity and high quality of these watches.

swiss watch Vremia Red Star black dial
Vremia Red Star black dial


Vremia watches are a fascinating chapter in the history of watchmaking, characterised by a unique mix of Soviet aesthetics and European quality. Thanks to Binda’s initiative, these watches reflect the best of both worlds, combining attractive design with high standards of quality. A true treasure for watch enthusiasts looking for something unique and meaningful.

Exploring the Universe of Russian Watches with Vittorio: A Journey Through Time and Technology

Exploring the Universe of Russian Watches with Vittorio: A Journey Through Time and Technology

Welcome to the fascinating world of Russian watches! In an exclusive interview conducted by Andrea, known as Sovietaly, we delve into the collection of Vittorio, a passionate enthusiast of Russian watches with an engaging story to share.

If you’re curious about exploring the world of Russian-inspired watches, get ready for an exciting journey that will take us through the history, technology, and uniqueness of these timepieces.

This interview video offers a privileged insight into Vittorio’s passion for Russian watches and the captivating stories behind each piece in his collection.

Introduction: Welcome! Whether you are a watch enthusiast or simply curious to explore a unique world, you are in the right place. This video by Andrea, known as Sovietaly in the watch world, takes us on an engaging journey through the collection of Vittorio, a lover of Russian watches with an overwhelming passion for the history and technology behind these incredible pieces.

Summary: In Andrea’s interview with Vittorio, we get an up-close look at Vittorio’s passion for Russian watches. Before becoming a collector, Vittorio developed a deep interest in the Russian language and culture, learning the language and visiting the country. Originally from Frosinone, Italy, but now residing in Warsaw, Poland, Vittorio shares how his passion for Russian watches grew over the years, starting with the serendipitous discovery of a 1990s Molnija pocket watch at a market. His collection, though not vast, includes significant pieces such as the Canfie Dia, his favorite watch due to the rich history it embodies.

Vittorio explains his extensive knowledge of the Russian language, almost at a native level, and his ability to converse fluently on any topic. He recalls his visits to Russia, starting in 2005, and his regular trips since then. Despite living in Poland for many years and initially knowing Polish only for tourist purposes, he later had to deepen his knowledge for work-related reasons.

Vittorio’s collection of watches extends beyond Russian models, including Swiss and Japanese pieces, reflecting his curiosity and openness to diverse cultures. He discusses the technical innovations and unique stories behind Russian watches, such as the use of plexiglass for waterproofing in Soviet-era dive watches, and his interest in the mechanical aspects of these timepieces.

Vittorio also shares his views on historical events, particularly the period from 1917 to 1991 in Russia, and his fascination with Soviet technological advancements like atomic icebreakers and amphibious vehicles. His passion for Russia goes beyond watches, encompassing history, geography, geopolitics, and culture, including 1990s and 2000s music that helped him learn the Russian language.

Finally, Vittorio mentions his online presence, including a website and participation in watch enthusiast forums, and his use of social media to share photos of his travels and collections. His enthusiasm for Russian watches is evident as he describes their stories, technical solutions, and the unique blend of history and technology they represent.

Conclusion: Andrea’s interview with Vittorio has been an exciting experience, taking us into the world of Russian watches through the eyes of a passionate enthusiast. With fascinating stories, technical curiosities, and palpable passion, Vittorio has introduced us to a universe where history and technology merge uniquely.

Watch the full interview on YouTube

How to read a Raketa 24h watch: a comprehensive guide

russian watch raketa 24h

How to read a Raketa 24h watch

Raketa 24h watches are a type of mechanical watch produced by the Raketa factory in St. Petersburg, Russia. These watches are characterized by a 24-hour dial instead of the usual 12-hour dial.

russian watch Raketa 24h Marine
Raketa 24h Marine

How the hour hand works

The hour hand on a 24h watch is the longest hand and is located in the center of the dial. The hour hand completes one full rotation in 24 hours, from midnight to midnight.

To read the time on a 24h watch, you need to identify the index on the dial that corresponds to the position of the hour hand. The index indicates the time of day.

For example, if the hour hand is at the 12 o’clock index, it is midnight. If the hour hand is at the 6 o’clock index, it is 6:00 am. If the hour hand is at the 18 o’clock index, it is 6:00 pm.

russian watch Raketa 24h Zestril
Raketa 24h Zestril

How the minute hand works

The minute hand on a 24h watch is the shortest hand and is located in the center of the dial, next to the hour hand. The minute hand completes one full rotation in 60 minutes.

To read the minutes on a 24h watch, you need to identify the number on the dial that corresponds to the position of the minute hand. The number indicates the minutes of the day.

For example, if the minute hand is at the 12 o’clock index, it is 00:00. If the minute hand is at the 6 o’clock index, it is 00:30. If the minute hand is at the 18 o’clock index, it is 06:00.

Soviet and Russian Raketa 24h watches

Raketa watches were often used in closed environments or above the Arctic Circle, when it is not possible to accurately determine the time of day by observing the sun.

In fact, above the Arctic Circle, the sun never sets during the summer and never rises during the winter. In these cases, a 24h watch is the only way to know the correct time.

russian watch Raketa 24h Red Star
Raketa 24h Soviet navy

Pobeda Lunochod 1: How to Verify the Authenticity of a Commemorative Dial

fake Zim Pobeda Lunochod I 1970 front

Soviet commemorative watches are highly sought after by collectors, but there are often fakes sold at high prices. This article aims to help collectors verify the authenticity of a Pobeda Lunochod 1 watch with a black dial, using detailed analysis methods such as microscopy.

Technical Details of the Pobeda Lunochod 1 Watch

The Pobeda Lunochod 1 watch, equipped with a Pobeda 2602 mechanical movement, is known for its reliability and simplicity. The case, usually made of chrome-plated brass, houses silver-colored hands for hours, minutes, and seconds. The black dial, celebrating the 1970 Lunochod 1 mission, is decorated with the image of the Soviet rover and other Cyrillic inscriptions.

fake Zim Pobeda Lunochod I 1970 front
fake Zim Pobeda Lunochod I 1970 front

Dial Authenticity: Real or Fake?

Many collectors wonder if the commemorative dial of the Pobeda Lunochod 1 is authentic or a fake. To answer this question, it is necessary to analyze the dial with appropriate tools, such as a microscope.

fake Zim Pobeda Lunochod I 1970 dial
fake Zim Pobeda Lunochod I 1970 dial

Microscopic Analysis

Microscopic images of the black dial reveal important details that help determine authenticity:

  • Modern Printing: The images clearly show that the dial was printed using modern techniques. The writings are not concentric and exhibit ink print quality, with a color mixture visible especially on the indices.
  • Lack of Documentation: In Soviet catalogs of the time, there is no trace of wristwatches dedicated to the Lunochod rovers. This strongly suggests that these dials were produced later to deceive collectors.

Suspicious Details

In addition to the print quality, there are other clues suggesting the dial is not authentic:

  • Perfect Condition: Too many examples for sale are in almost perfect condition, an unusual characteristic for watches produced in the 1970s.
  • Layout and Colors: The dial design, with misaligned writings and colors not typical of authentic Soviet models, is another clue of falsity.
fake Zim Pobeda Lunochod I 1970 detail
fake Zim Pobeda Lunochod I 1970 detail
fake Zim Pobeda Lunochod I 1970 detail
fake Zim Pobeda Lunochod I 1970 detail
fake Zim Pobeda Lunochod I 1970 detail
fake Zim Pobeda Lunochod I 1970 detail

Lunochod Commemorative Watches: A Rarity

To date, there are no known authentic wristwatches commemorating the Lunochod rovers. Some Soviet pocket watches seem to take this name, but there is no concrete evidence linking these models to the Lunochod space missions.


After careful analysis, it is clear that the commemorative dial of the Pobeda Lunochod 1 is a fake. This conclusion is based on microscopic analysis of the print, lack of official documentation, and other suspicious characteristics. Collectors are advised to be cautious and always thoroughly verify authenticity before making a purchase.

A Space Odyssey: The Lunochod Missions

Lunochod 1

Lunochod 1 was the first automated lunar rover, launched by the Soviet Union in 1970. This historic mission explored the lunar soil, sending crucial data on the composition of the ground and the lunar environment back to Earth. Powered by solar panels and equipped with eight independently driven wheels, the rover traveled a distance of 10.5 km on the lunar surface, significantly contributing to our understanding of lunar geology.

Lunochod 2

Lunochod 2, launched on January 8, 1973, was the successor to Lunochod 1. This rover featured an advanced telecontrol system and a series of improved scientific instruments, including an X-ray analyzer, a magnetometer, and an alpha particle detector. During its nearly five-month mission, Lunochod 2 traveled a distance of 37 km on the lunar surface, providing valuable data on the composition of the lunar soil and the resistance of materials to extreme lunar temperatures.

Discoveries and Contributions of Lunochod 2

One of Lunochod 2’s most significant discoveries was a small crater, which was subsequently named in its honor. The information collected by the rover contributed to a deeper understanding of lunar geology, influencing the planning of future space missions.

Lunochod 3 and Beyond: Unfulfilled Plans

Lunochod 3 was planned for a lunar mission but was never launched. The rover is currently displayed in a museum in Moscow. This rover would have benefited from the lessons learned from previous missions, but its mission was canceled due to budget cuts and changes in Soviet space policy priorities.

The Fourth Rover: An Early Failure

The first attempt to launch a Lunochod rover failed in 1969 when the carrier rocket was destroyed shortly after launch. This incident highlighted the technical difficulties and risks associated with space exploration, but it did not stop the successes of subsequent missions.

Resources for Further Reading

For those who wish to deepen their knowledge of Soviet and Russian watches, here are some pertinent and specific links:

Raketa ЗАЭС- 10 Years Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant: Atomic Energy, Russian Watches, and Red Jasper

russian watch Raketa 10 years Zaporizhzhia

Among my favorite Russian and Soviet watches are those made by Raketa with stone dials. I own several, each unique due to the distinct patterns of the stone. The two most commonly used stones are Jasper and Nephrite.

The History and Craftsmanship of Raketa Stone Dials

One might initially wonder why Raketa produces watches with stone dials. The reason is deeply rooted in the origins of the Petrodvorets Watch Factory. Originally known as the Imperial Workshop for Precious Stone Processing, it was established by Tsar Peter the Great in 1721. Hence, it is natural for the factory’s expertise in working with precious and semi-precious stones to extend to watchmaking. You can find various examples of both Nephrite and Jasper dials on the Raketa brand’s official website.

Raketa 10 Years Zaporizhzhia Commemorative Watch

This watch exists in at least two known versions: a general version and a commemorative version celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant. The commemorative version in my possession features a white Roman numeral “X” on the dial. This “X” is absent in the standard version. According to the ABOUT US page of the official website of the nuclear power plant, the first reactor was commissioned in 1984. Therefore, the Raketa ЗАЭС commemorative watch for the 10th anniversary dates back to 1994, during the post-Soviet period.

Unique Features of the Raketa ЗАЭС

The stone dial of this watch includes two overprints (a typical technique for stone dials). The first is a gold print indicating minutes on the outer part of the dial, featuring the atomic symbol and the inscription “ЗАЭС” over horizontal lines. The second print is white, showing the hour markers in Arabic numerals, except at 6 and 12 o’clock, where a gear/sun symbol appears. The white Roman numeral “X” denotes the 10th anniversary of the nuclear power plant’s operation.

Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant

This is the name of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, located in present-day Ukraine. The plant is of Soviet origin, with construction initiated in 1977. As of 2021, it remains operational, with decommissioning planned in phases between 2030 and 2041. The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe and one of the ten largest in the world.

Here are three main links providing information about the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant:

The Raketa ЗАЭС Watch

The distinctive shape of the Raketa Zero gold-plated case enhances the appeal of this watch. The simple shapes of the case harmonize well with the complexity of the dial. The hands are also gold-plated and thin. The back of the watch is straightforward, with a stainless steel back and the serial number 885 engraved.

Technical Specifications

The watch houses a Raketa R2609 caliber with 19 jewels, featuring inscriptions in English for export purposes. This particular stone dial watch is one of the most beautiful in my collection and is quite challenging to find, especially in the 1994 commemorative version. It was likely a gift to shareholders or personnel of the nuclear power plant.

Poljot Khrunichev Space Center Watch: A Tribute to Russian Space History

Poljot Russian Watch Space Center Khrunichev


In the 1990s, during the political and economic transition from the Soviet Union to the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the renowned watch company Poljot produced a series of commemorative watches. Among them, the Poljot Khrunichev Space Center watch stands out as a tribute to the importance of the Khrunichev Space Center in Russian aerospace history. This article will explore in detail the features of this watch, the caliber that powers it, and the crucial role of the Khrunichev Space Center.

Poljot Russian Watch Space Center Khrunichev
Poljot Space Center Khrunichev

Watch Features

The Poljot Khrunichev Space Center watch is a perfect example of design and function, combining aesthetics and history in a single piece.

  • Dial: The dial is dominated by a stylized representation of the Northern Hemisphere, complete with parallels and meridians, and an artistic representation of interstellar space with stylized stars. At the center of the dial, the MIR space station, active at the time of the watch’s production, is clearly depicted. The “SPACE CENTER KHRUNISHEV” inscription emphasizes the center’s international significance. The raised metal indices and gold-plated hands add a touch of elegance.
  • Case: The round case is made of steel with a dual satin and gold finish, giving the watch a refined appearance. The bi-color dial, white and blue, creates a visually appealing contrast.
  • Back: The back of the watch is simple, with an engraved serial number (118218). Signs of attempted battery replacement by inexperienced hands are visible.

The Caliber

The watch is powered by the Poljot quartz caliber, known for its simplicity and reliability. This movement uses an AG1 button battery and does not contain jewels, a choice reflecting cost-consciousness without compromising functionality. The movement is secured inside the case by a white plastic component, a common solution for watches of this period.

russian poljot watch Khrunichev
Poljot Khrunichev Space Center
russian poljot watch Khrunichev
Poljot Khrunichev Space Center

Khrunichev Space Center: A Beacon of Russian Space Technology

The Khrunichev Space Center, founded in 1916 near Moscow, is one of the most influential institutions in Russian space exploration history. Originally engaged in the production of “Russo-Baltique” automobiles, the company quickly evolved, significantly contributing to the production of military aircraft such as the Ilyushin Il-4 and Tupolev Tu-2 during World War II.

In the 1960s, the center expanded its scope to include the production of missiles and space modules, becoming a key player in the Soviet space era. Notable achievements include modules for the MIR, SALYUT, and the current ISS space stations, as well as the Proton rockets, still in use today.

Further Reading on the History and Productions of the Khrunichev Space Center

For those interested in delving deeper into the history and innovations of the Khrunichev Space Center, here are some useful links:

Collecting Russian Watches: A Valuable Addition

The Poljot Khrunichev Space Center watch is a gem for collectors of space-themed watches. Purchased for about €20, it represents not only a piece of mechanical precision but also a tribute to Russian space history. Despite some signs of use on the back, the watch is in good condition and offers an excellent combination of history and functionality.

Dating the Watch

The presence of the MIR station on the dial helps date the watch between 1992 and 1998. The MIR station, operational from 1986 to 2001, is a key indicator. The absence of references to the Soviet Union suggests a post-1992 production, while the launch of the ISS in 1998 marks the end of the production period for this specific model.


The Poljot Khrunichev Space Center watch is more than just a timepiece; it is a piece of history. For collectors, it represents a unique opportunity to own an item that celebrates the remarkable achievements of the Khrunichev Space Center and Russian space history. This watch is perfect for enriching any collection with a piece of technological and cultural history.

Vostok Komandirskie: Analysis of the Watch and History of Military Unit 3375

Vostok Komandirskie 45 anni unità militare 3375 di protezione MPSR, VGO e SG

The Vostok Komandirskie watch in question is a commemorative model celebrating the 45th anniversary of Military Unit 3375, featuring a chrome-plated case and a 2414A caliber. This particular watch caught attention for three main reasons:

Vostok Komandirskie 45 anni unità militare 3375 di protezione MPSR, VGO e SG
Vostok Komandirskie 45 anni unità militare 3375 di protezione MPSR, VGO e SG

The Holographic Blue Dial

Not commonly found in Vostok watches, the holographic blue dial is more prevalent in some models of Russian Raketa watches. This dial, typical of the early ’90s, represents a curious and characteristic element, albeit of dubious aesthetic taste.

The Case Shape

The case shape is also uncommon, unlike the bezel, which is rather common in Vostok models.

The Cyrillic Inscriptions

Initially hard to understand, the Cyrillic inscriptions reveal a fascinating and complex history.

Dial Details

Upper Part of the Dial: The Cyrillic inscription “ПО ОХРАНЕ МПСР ВГО И СГ” translates to: “REGARDING THE PROTECTION OF MPSR, VGO, AND SG”.

  • MPSR (МПСР): “Special work sites”
  • VGO (ВГО): “Important state structures”
  • SG (СГ): “Special goods”

Symbols and Iconography

  • Missile: Symbol of technological and military development.
  • Atom Symbol: Indicative of nuclear energy.
  • Polar Bear: An animal found in the northern hemisphere, suggesting activity in Siberia. This symbol is commonly used on Russian watch dials. For further examples, you can see HERE.

Lower Part of the Dial

The inscription “ВОИСКВАЯ ЧАСТЬ 3375” means: “MILITARY UNIT 3375”. This watch commemorates the 45th anniversary of the military unit, dating it to 1991.

Historical Context

Military Unit 3375 was created in April 1946 as part of the Department for the Protection of Important Industrial Enterprises, tasked with protecting research institutes and laboratories of the Academy of Sciences engaged in nuclear energy development. This post-war period was characterized by intense espionage and secret research for the development of nuclear weapons, necessitating the creation of special units to protect installations and goods.

Additional References

On VK you can find several references to Military Unit 3375, including a community with 180 members still active. These special units were also among the first responders during the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, along with firefighters.

Sources and Useful Links

  • Topwar: Main source of information about the military unit and its history.

This analysis provides a comprehensive overview of the Vostok Komandirskie, highlighting the historical significance of Military Unit 3375 and the context in which it operated, while also offering a detailed description of the watch’s distinctive features.